Belgium says loot boxes gambling

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You've just run into a type of exploitation you do not agree with, in which case, you don't buy the product. To make a profit and expand requires either a monopoly or exploitation of the consumer. But so is the waiter at Denny's who offers you good service so that you can give them more money than their service is worth (most non-US countries do not tip and find it rude) or the department store that purchases their goods in bulk so they can sell them individually at a higher price. So I don't disagree with you that it is exploitation. In essence, all sales is exploitation in one manner or the other. I cannot sell something to someone I am not willing to buy myself nor am I willing to over-hype something to fool someone into purchasing things will less knowledge of the product/service. At its base, you have to be willing to overprice for your good/service so that you turn a profit or even be willing to sell said good/service despite the customer not needing or wanting that good/service. I've come to understand that being in sales requires what I would consider to be 'a lack of ethics'.

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It is gambling to the rest of the world, and you aren't allowed to apply your own meaning to words when in discussion with others.

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